Sunshine King
Domestic violence has become a prevalent issue in society, encompassing more than just physical assault, making the act difficult to categorize or report. Women and children are the major victims of domestic violence, often making them victims in their own homes, a place where they should have felt protected.
Wife and mother, Sunshine King, 39, found out firsthand how unprotected she was in her home, and is living with the consequences. At 23, she was attacked by her husband, who shot at her 4 times, leaving her for dead. Two bullets found a home—one entered her right jaw, exiting the back of her neck; the other lodged in her spinal cord, giving her an incomplete T4-T5 paralysis at chest level.
King took this incident as a lesson and the tragedy influenced her to break free of the terror that had held her captive for the majority of her youth. With a mission to “create wellness by healing through the arts,” King has used her experiences to become a motivational speaker, entrepreneur, entertainment coach and a wellness specialist, all of which have aided her in spreading awareness regarding domestic violence and its consequences, since knowledge is the only way to keep yourself safe and empower others at the same time. Considering her dreams to be her greatest source of inspiration and assistance in helping others rebuild their self-esteem, King created Sunshine Project H.E.L.P (Healing, Educating, Loving, People), an organization that uses workshops, classes, and health and fitness activities for people with and without disabilities. Next on her “to-do” list is to complete her biography and start a fundraiser program to assist in her goal to obtain a wheelchair-accessible van.
Inspired by the quote, “If you want to be somebody, if you want to go somewhere, you better wake up and pay attention, from the movie, Sister Act, King’s missions and motives are a living example for those who have yet to find the courage and confidence to regain the control of their lives after suffering domestic violence. She’s turned the tables, making her past experiences her strengths, and continues to use that strength to empower others.