The Women’s Challenge has done a great job bringing women closer together! The events really have women respecting each other and praising their successes. Keep up the phenomenal work!
Anjeanette C. Roberson
Aberdeen, MD

The Woman’s Challenge, Inc. led by Lorraine Bailey-Carter provides quality entertainment for audiences with a purpose. The events that she sponsors are top quality. The entertainment is stellar. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the events that I have attended and I look forward to future events. She works hard to ensure the attendees have a wonderful experience. The vendors and the food at the events that I have attended are of high quality. It is always a very exciting and enjoyable experience to attend all the events that The Women’s Challenge has presented. Don’t miss their next upcoming event!
Kathi Muhammad Clinton, MD

I truly appreciate the cause motivating “The Women’s Challenge” and the generosity shown by the Event Planner in ensuring that our friend’s, Natasha, 40th birthday celebration was special. The atmosphere was nice, and the LIVE music was great! We really had a wonderful time at the benefit concert on April 10th. I look forward to attending more empowerment events.
Detra Henson (“Birthday Girl”)
Antionette Chinn
Baltimore, MD

I recently attended my first The Women’s Challenge, Inc’s hosted events at Magooby’s Joke House. I thoroughly enjoyed myself! I was crooned, I partied, pretty much had a ball with two amazing artists…Brian Christopher and ANTHONY DAVID. Besides the show being one of the best shows I have seen in a long time, my friends enjoyed themselves, the food and drinks were amazing but above all of that….this was all for a good cause! Who does “benefit” concerts anymore? Folks who really care about their cause. I was oh too thrilled to not only be sowing a seed of appreciation and support to the artist who captivated us, but I was also thrilled to be sowing a seed of faith to an organization helping single mothers realize the dream of homeownership can be a reality.
The show was well put together, well attended, and I can’t wait to see what else The Women’s Challenge, Inc. has coming up as I do plan to attend more events. Shout out to Lorraine Bailey-Carter the Founder and Chief Woman of Vision. Kudos on a job well done!

Being a survivor of sexual and physical abuse myself and being a care taker for my husband who is a cancer patient, I found that an organization honoring strong women who have overcome life struggles an amazing thing. It was awesome to see so many survivors in one room. The entertainment was terrific. Brian Christopher gave the ladies someone sexy and melodic to get lost in. Damien Escobar’s violin playing took us all away. He played each note with his entire body. It was an uplifting and entertaining event.

Thoroughly enjoyed the Women’s Challenge event on 1/10/16, the entertainment was of excellent quality, of which you would find in a large-scale arena for a wonderful cause in a much more intimate environment. The staff, from ticketing to service were all friendly and professional in handling all matters. They covered all factions of a large scale production with class all the way down to having a ‘live’ famous, local artist painting on stage during the performance, as well as vendors off stage in the lobby. Everything for everyone, food, vendors, meet & greet, photo ops, parking, last but not least, Women with amazing testimonials to make the event even more fairytale. Highly recommended.