Shay Sharpe
Shay Sharpe, 37, has been battling Breast Cancer for the last 12 years, after first being diagnosed at age 26, then again ten years later. Her journey has not been easy; she’s undergone multiple surgeries and has had numerous adverse reactions, but unbeatable will to fight the disease and her steadfast faith have turned the battle in her favor.
As a survivor, she uses her determination, fight and influence to help others suffering from Breast Cancer. Her non-profit organization, Shay Sharpe’s Pink Wishes, grants the last wishes of terminally-ill breast cancer patients under 40, provides food, blankets and clothes to the homeless and local shelters, as well as provides Christmas “wishes” for children of Breast Cancer patients.
Sharpe believes that not only can “you be sexy after breast cancer,” as she plans to undergo her third breast reconstructive surgery soon, but that being your own defender and fighting for yourself is the strongest trait a woman can possesses.